
Waitlist FAQs

Common Questions, Answered.

Waitlist FAQs

Frequently Asked Questions About Our Wait List:

We compiled these answers to questions parents frequently ask with the hope that this information will be helpful to you.

How long is the waitlist?
The average wait time for enrollment varies depending on a number of factors including availability, timing, development of the child, desired schedule and age.
Will my child get in faster if I wait for part-time?

Part-time availability is limited and only available for preschool age groups (2yo-5yo). Obviously, if you can be flexible with the days you require, then that could help us provide you a spot quicker.

If my child is still on the waitlist when he or she reaches the next age group do I go to the bottom of the waitlist for that age group?

Your child’s waitlist form will be moved to the appropriate age group waitlist by your original tour date. His or her name will be higher on the list than those who toured after you and lower on the list than those who toured before you.

I didn’t respond to the waitlist update. Do I go to the bottom of the list?

If you did not respond to the waitlist update and your Interest List form was removed from the waitlist, you will be reinstated by your original date of application once you contact us and let us know you are still interested.

I responded to the waitlist update, when will I hear from you about where my child is on the list?
It is just not feasible for us to contact each of the waiting families to tell them where they are on the continually changing list. If you contact the office to inquire about your child’s spot on the waitlist, we will be able to confirm they are on the list but cannot tell you where they stand.
Do I have to wait until you send me an update form to change my preferred start date or enrollment options?

You may make changes at any time before you are actually offered an opening by e-mailing mcpenrollment@marinerschurch.org or by calling 949-769-8148 and letting the Registrar know what you would like to change. By changing your preferred start date or enrollment options before an opening is offered to you, you can avoid losing your place on the list if the option available is one you are no longer interested in (or the opening is presented before you want to accept it).

Still, have questions?

Browse through our waitlist guidelines.

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